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The creative evening of Dmitry Krymov


During the creative evening, there will be a screening of a video adaptation of one of Dmitry Krymov's recent works, "Kostik." This production is based on Anton Chekhov's play "The Seagull" and was originally staged at the Moscow Pushkin Theater. However, it was removed from the theater's repertoire at the end of 2022. This decision came shortly after it was nominated for the "Golden Mask" festival and Dmitry Krymov chose not to return to Russia.

Director Dmitry Krymov became widely known to the Riga audience through productions such as "Sir Vantes. Don Quixote" (2015), "Oh, Late Love" (2016), "In His Own Words. A. Pushkin's 'Eugene Onegin'," and "Seryozha" (2019) at the Moscow Art Theatre named after A.P. Chekhov. These productions were showcased as part of the "Golden Mask in Latvia" festival from 2015 to 2019 and garnered significant interest from the theatre-going public. Dmitry Krymov also conducted masterclasses and lectures for students at the Latvian Academy of Culture during various tours.

Dmitry Krymov is known as a director with an unconventional vision, never hesitating to offer fresh perspectives even on classical plays.

In February 2022, Dmitry Krymov was in the United States and decided not to return to Russia due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In 2022, he established his own theatre, "Laboratory" known as Krymov Lab NYC, in New York City, and he will discuss its work during this creative evening.

During this creative meeting, Dmitry Krymov will share his American experience and answer questions from the audience about his upcoming premiere at the Latvian National Theater, scheduled for the end of January 2024.

Language of the event: The screening will be in Russian, while the creative discussion will be in Russian with Latvian translation.

Age restriction: 18+